NT24 | Regulatory Updates for Professionals in the Electrical Sector

In a historical moment characterized by numerous and significant regulatory changes, NT24 is organizing a study day entirely dedicated to presenting the most relevant updates for professionals in the electrical sector. Not only will the most significant new aspects introduced by the new CEI 64-8 Standard be presented and discussed, but also those from the new 79-3 standard on alarms and the 64-15 standard on installations in historical buildings.
Throughout the day, there will also be in-depth discussions on "vertical" topics such as maintenance, surge protection, electric mobility, renewables, and related incentive mechanisms.
The free meeting will take place on October 23, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Where: Belstay Venice Mestre, Rotonda Romea 1, 30175 Venice
Participation is free, subject to registration by filling out the form below. The first 150 registrations received will be accepted.
6 C.F.P. industrial experts. Credits for Engineers are requested.